The 71st ASRM Annual Meeting will be held in Baltimore, Maryland

The 71st ASRM Annual Meeting will be held in Baltimore, Maryland October 17 to 21, 2015
ASRM2015 is the premier reproductive medicine meeting of the year, boasting phenomenal scientific, postgraduate, and video programs. Plenary lectures by noted luminaries in the field will address state-of-the-art issues in reproductive medicine and science.
The ASRM is committed to the advancement of the science and practice of reproductive
medicine through the pursuit of excellence in education, research, and advocacy. This year’s
program will incorporate a wide array of educational activities to fulfill this goal. The Continuing
Medical Education (CME) portion of the Scientific Program will include plenary lectures,
symposia, and interactive sessions interweaving the theme of the Annual Meeting. Plenary
lectures will feature outstanding speakers covering such topics as: how health is communicated
through media; how complex genetic information can optimally be communicated to patients;
legal aspects of fertility; how preconception relates to human health; the origin of the Y
chromosome; evolution of external genitalia; and how epigenetics can transform a bee into a
queen. The symposia will provide more in-depth coverage of basic and clinical topics, which
range from the environmental basis for disease, genetic causes of infertility, optimal selection
and transfer of an embryo, testicular sperm aspiration, reduction of multiple births, treatment
of endocrine disorders, ethical issues in reproduction, to access to reproductive care worldwide.
October 17-21, 2015
Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore, Maryland, USA