- MaleFree-Semen collection
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- SemenAssay Kits
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- SpermFunc Kits
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- BredDevice-Lab equipment
- Lab consumables for reproductive medicineOrdinary equipments for reproductive medicine
Sperm CMA3 Staining kit
Sperm Protamine Deficiency Test
Category: → SpermFunc KitsIntroductionSperm CMA3 Staining kit
Sperm Protamine Deficency Test
> Analyze the etiology of male infertility and male-factor abortion.
> Sperm CMA3 positivity rate is negatively associated with IVF fertilizationrate and optimal embryo rate.
> Sperm protamine deficiency may lead to the failure of oocyte activation.
> High CMA3 positivity in sperm has a significantly negative correlation with fertilization rate post-ICSI.
> High CMA3 positivity in sperm may cause recurrent pregnancy loss.
> The matched flow cytometric test model has been verified by other related methods, with an accurate result.
> Detect rapidly, especially suitable for batch testing. Reduce labour intensity.
> Required equipment: flow cytometer (blue excitation)
Test results: